February 12

47 Simple Pleasures to Instantly Turn Your Day Around


“Life is full of little pleasures that can instantly brighten your day. The trick is to recognize them in the moment they happen.”
-B.J. Gallagher


There are times in life when everything seems to be going wrong.

You’re more tired than usual, your boss is riding you, and the kids are fighting over whose turn it is to get on the computer.

It’s easy to get caught in the ups and downs of life and allow something that might typically be considered a small annoyance to get you down.

However, when we allow ourselves to engage in the small pleasures of life, we can break out of our routine, decrease our stress level, and enjoy the simple things.

Here’s a list of simple pleasures you can choose from to help turn your day around:

1. Drink water

We often forget to drink enough water throughout the day. Drinking plenty of water, especially on a hot day, helps keep us from getting dehydrated, which makes us feel happier.

2. Breathe deeply

Take deep breaths. Breathe deeply into your belly three times. This helps calm down your nervous system and relaxes your body. This is one of the easiest and best things you can do to turn your day around.

3. Do something you enjoy

Do an activity you enjoy. For example, if you love dancing, go for a dance class; if you love reading, read a book; if you love gardening, plant flowers. 

4. Practice visualization

Visualize yourself in an ideal situation where everything goes well. See yourself smiling as you look at all the good things happening to you right now. 

5. Eat a healthy snack

Eat something healthy like fruit, nuts, or yogurt. They’ll give you energy without adding extra calories.

6. Spend time with happy people

Happiness is contagious. When we’re around positive people, our moods tend to be more upbeat. So make sure that when you are feeling down, you surround yourself with friends who will lift you up instead of dragging you down.

7. Take a break from technology

Turn off all screens and go outside to get some fresh air if possible.

8. Meditate

Meditation is excellent for clearing your mind of negative thoughts that may be causing stress. Try it with some guided meditation music if you prefer. 

9. Give yourself compliments

Tell yourself how great you look today, what a good job you did at work, or that you’re proud of yourself for getting out of bed this morning. Such positive thoughts will help lift your mood.

10. Go for a walk or run

Getting outdoors for some fresh air is a great way to rejuvenate yourself. It is known that getting outdoors into the sun provides Vitamin D and helps with improving your mood. Taking a walk with a friend or loved one can be equally satisfying.

11. Ask for help

We’re often too proud to ask for help, but sometimes that pride can hold us back from getting better. So don’t be afraid to ask for help if you need it. 

12. Say no

Doing so may not feel pleasurable in the moment, but it will help your life be better in the long run. Sometimes saying “no” is the best thing you can do for your health and happiness. 

13. Don’t worry about what people say

Because most people are better at talking the talk rather than walking the walk. So don’t let them discourage you from trying something different or exciting.

14. Learn from others’ mistakes 

Sometimes you have no choice but to learn from your own mistakes, but sometimes it helps if someone else has already made those same mistakes before you do. 

15. Take a bubble bath

It’s relaxing and fun. And it smells good too.

16. Compare yourself to yourself

Comparing ourselves with others can quickly bring us down. It is better to compare ourselves only to who we were yesterday, not today. If we look at how far we’ve come in life, then we’ll always have something positive to focus on.

17. Step into your child’s world

Take time to play with your child and allow yourself to be immersed in their imaginative and creative world. You’ll be quickly transported to a place of wonder, beauty, and innocence that is so easy to forget in the hustle and bustle of everyday life. 

18. Watch an inspiring Ted Talk

Twenty minutes is all you need to learn about something new or inspiring that will instantly put you in a better mood.

19. Read a short Bible passage 

Reading the Bible can give you a greater sense of hope and peace. It can also assure you that no matter what you are going through, there will always be someone who is going through it with you.

20. Look at beautiful art

Beautiful art inspires creativity and imagination. When you look at a great piece of art, it can be a nice reminder that there is beauty in this world that you don’t have to create.

21. Get a foot massage

Our feet are our most underrated body part. They do so much for us all day long, yet we often forget to take the time to properly care for them. This is why a foot massage is an instant mood booster. It feels incredible, and it’s a great way to give your feet a much-needed break from the stress of standing all day.

22. Clean your desk

Cleaning up your desk can remove the feeling of being overwhelmed and help you get back to being productive. Even if you’re having a hectic day, allocating ten minutes to clean your desk can have an immediate impact on your productivity.

23. Look at old photos

They remind us how much we’ve changed over time, but also that we’re still growing.

24. Watch a beautiful sunrise or sunset

It can be challenging to find time in your day to stop and enjoy the sunset or sunrise. However, they can offer you a moment to think about how beautiful the world is and reflect on possibilities that come with marking the end of a difficult day or the beginning of a new day.

25. Forgive yourself

When you forgive yourself, you can move on from the mistakes weighing you down. For example, if you are feeling guilty for something that you did that made your best friend angry, forgiving yourself first will allow you to work on making amends with your friend.

26. Smile

We all get caught up in our day-to-day lives, and it’s easy to forget that there are people around who are trying to navigate their own lives too. A smile, a hello, or a quick conversation can make somebody else’s day. And yours.

27. Plan a Road Trip

The anticipation of planning a road trip allows you to feel like you’re on vacation while still in your own home. And when you finally step out the door, a world of freedom, adventure, and possibilities await.

28. Dress up

It makes you look more appealing, and it makes you more approachable. When you feel good about yourself, it’s easier to connect to other people.

29. Light scented candles

Scents can be calming or energizing, and they can make you feel at peace with the world.

30. Hold your partner’s hand

Holding hands can create a sense of security and happiness because we are reminded that they will always be there for us no matter what happens.   

31. Take a cold shower

Taking a cold shower can make you feel refreshed and energized in the mornings and feel good about yourself. In addition, studies have shown that a healthy person without heart disease may experience other benefits such as boosting immunity and improved mental health.

32. Sleep under the stars

Sleeping under the stars can be a great way to experience calm and restore your mind. It also helps to keep things in perspective, considering our own human existence in light of the vast universe. This can help make problems seem less important, keeping your life more in balance.

33. Walk by the ocean

Walking in the sand is therapeutic, and the beach provides a chance to appreciate nature in its purest form. The sound of the waves crashing against the sand is relaxing and majestic. And taking in a good view of the ocean can give you a sense of peace, contentment, and happiness.

34. Make a list of things you’re grateful for

Making a list of all the things you are grateful for gives you an outlet to express gratitude and helps you feel more optimistic about your life. It can also make you more mindful of how fortunate you actually are and motivate you to spend more time appreciating the little things in life.

35. Sing in the shower

When you sing in the shower, you feel you can let go and not care what other people think of you. It’s a great way to reduce stress, become more confident, and feel like yourself again.

36. Listen to rain

Listening to the rain can help you feel relaxed, focused, and can even help you fall asleep at night. If it doesn’t rain much where you live, you can enjoy rain sounds on YouTube with a decent pair of headphones. 

37. Go on an impromptu date night

A fun and spontaneous date with your significant other can be a great way to break up the monotony of everyday life. You might be surprised at how bright your day can get when you give them a surprise date. For example, you could put together a picnic for two in the park or take them out to their favorite restaurant. These are small gestures that can create huge memories.

38. Do something kind for a stranger

Whether it’s holding the door open for someone, donating clothes or money, or even volunteering your time at a local organization, doing something as small as these can make you feel happier and more fulfilled.

39. Help someone solve a problem

Helping someone with a problem can actually help you feel better about your day. It gives you a sense of accomplishment and purpose and lets you know you are making a difference. 

40. Play with your pet

The unconditional love and companionship of a pet is hard to match. They’re always happy to see you and will never judge you. You’re almost guaranteed to walk away feeling better after playing with your pet.

41. Laugh at yourself

Laughing at yourself will remind you not to take life so seriously. Keeping this perspective will lift your spirits and help you accept and be less critical of your mistakes and flaws. And when you take yourself lightly, it’s harder for the critics to get you down.

42. Make a cup of tea

The process of making a cup of tea is calming and soothing and easy to do. And within a few minutes, one can have a delicious cup of refreshing tea. If you prefer a cup of coffee, go right ahead.

43. Watch a good movie

A good movie will help you momentarily escape the stress of everyday life and immerse yourself in a world where anything is possible. You may even gain insight that you can apply to your life situation.

44. Spend time in nature

There is something about being out in the fresh air that brings a sense of happiness. In addition, a walk through the woods can provide us with a new perspective, which helps us feel more positive and better able to focus on work or personal projects.

45. Take a power nap

A power nap for between 10 and 20 minutes can help you feel more awake and reduce mental fatigue. You’ll feel refreshed and ready to tackle the rest of the day.

46. Walk in the rain without an umbrella

For some, the idea of getting wet in the rain is a major turn-off. But for others, it’s a refreshing break. If you haven’t tried it before, you might be surprised how quickly the rain can wash away your troubles.

47. Listen to your favorites playlist

When you’re feeling down, turn on your favorite upbeat songs. You’ll find yourself dancing and singing along, releasing endorphins, and gaining a rush of good vibes. 

Enjoy your life

When life feels insurmountable, remember that you can do many small things to help.

Turn your day around by experimenting with these simple pleasures. Keep a little journal with you and write down the things that increase your feelings of positivity. Then, choose a limited number from that list and commit to doing them often.

You may be surprised at how much better you feel when you take some time out just to relax and enjoy your life.

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  • Thanks, Cylon.
    Very thoughtful of you – most appreciated.
    I’m late in reading, not because I was dealing with mountains of Valentine cards, but dealing with domestic tasks! lol.
    Wishing you and yours a good week.

    • Haha, yes, I’m very familiar with endless domestic tasks! Now we can both bookmark this page and come back to pick something from the list when we need a break! Be well and take it easy 🙂

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