October 27

Getting Out of Hell


“Have no fear of perfection – you’ll never reach it.”

Salvador Dali

You wake up most days feeling like a failure.

You spend your day feeling like a failure.

You go to bed feeling like a failure.

And you wake up again to repeat the whole awful experience.

There’s so much you want to accomplish, need to accomplish. Everything feels so important, so urgent. But you know that you’re just physically incapable of doing it all. And even if you could, you wouldn’t be able to produce at the high standards you set for yourself.

But the thought of dropping projects or quitting whole areas of your life sounds just as untenable. What would it say about you that you had to quit something? What will you miss out on if you decide to narrow things down? 

All of it creates a sense of unavoidable failure. And eventually you become frozen, curled up under the blankets doing absolutely nothing.

Sometimes you experience sweet (but brief) relief from all your self-imposed work and deadlines. Most of the time you’re racked with guilt and shame.

You’re trapped in a hell of your own making.

That’s the bad news. 

The good news? 

You created it.

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  • Excellent question and an even more excellent answer!
    It even made me smile – thank you so much.
    Wishing you and ours a wonderful week.

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