February 27

13 Ways to Cope with Uncertainty


Things work out best for those who make the best of how things work out.

John Wooden

The Russia-Ukraine conflict has brought about much uncertainty in the world. Along with the COVID-19 pandemic, these two events represent the most significant geopolitical risk since World War II.

It seems that uncertainty has become the new normal in today’s world. Whether it is global economic instability, political upheaval, climate change, or the threat of global conflict, we’re constantly having to confront worst-case scenarios that are beyond our control. 

This can be unsettling and lead to feelings of insecurity and vulnerability. And with no guarantee that things will stay the same from one day to the next, we can quickly become paralyzed by our rational and irrational fears.

While it is impossible to get rid of these feelings entirely, there are some things that can be done to help cope with them. Here are nine steps you can take:

1. Accept uncertainty

We all want to feel in control of our day-to-day lives. We want to know what’s going to happen next and we crave certainty. We do all we can to avoid bad things from happening. But the truth is, we can’t control everything. There will be times in life when things don’t go as planned and when we’re faced with uncertainty. This can be difficult for us to accept, but it’s a natural part of life.

The important thing is to learn to embrace uncertainty. It’s okay not to have all the answers. When we unambiguously accept that life is inherently uncertain, we open ourselves up to new possibilities by gaining clarity on the areas of life we can control—and taking action.

2. Make a plan

When something unexpected happens, our natural response is to panic. Uncertainty and lack of knowledge of the situation create fear, and that fear can paralyze us. 

However, in these moments, it’s essential that you take a step back and assess the situation. Then proactively develop a plan based on reliable information from trusted sources.

This will help you stay on track and keep your head clear in times of chaos. Don’t be afraid to change your plan if necessary, but always have one so you know what you’re working towards. 

Your plan doesn’t need to be complex. It could be as simple as committing to daily exercise to stay physically and mentally healthy.

Stay organized and focused, and remember that things will eventually calm down. 

3. Embrace change

In times of uncertainty, it’s important to remember that the only constant thing is change. The world around us is constantly in flux, so we must be willing to adapt and learn to survive. 

The first and necessary step to embracing change is the ability to let go of what we know or what we thought we knew.

Holding what we “know” lightly will allow us to change our perspective and develop effective solutions when confronted with new information or circumstances. This shift in thinking can even help us be more comfortable in uncomfortable situations. 

4. Beware of your iceberg beliefs

Iceberg beliefs are so-called because they exist mostly in our subconscious minds, and often, we’re not even aware we have them. These beliefs contribute to feelings of uncertainty and can prevent us from taking action (e.g. beliefs like “I’m not good enough” or “Nothing I do matters”)

There are a few things that can be done to deal with iceberg beliefs:

  • Acknowledge the existence of the belief. This is often the hardest part because it requires admitting that there is something you don’t know or understand.
  • Identify the factors that contribute to the belief. Once you know what is causing the belief, you can start to address it.
  • Take small steps to test the belief. This can help you determine if the belief is actually true or not.
  • Seek out support from others who can help you deal with your iceberg beliefs.

5. Make your voice heard

In uncertain times, it’s more important than ever to make your voice heard. You can write a letter to your local newspaper, send a tweet to your state representative, or even make a phone call to your senator. The most important thing is communicating with your decision makers and letting them know what you think.

It’s easy to feel powerless when big decisions are being made without our input, but we must remember that our voices matter. Every letter, email, or call makes a difference and lets our leaders know that we’re paying attention. So don’t be afraid to speak up – it can make a difference.

6. Seek new perspectives

In uncertain times, it’s more important than ever to seek new perspectives. Learning from others and seeing possibilities are key ways to grow during challenging times. When we allow ourselves to be curious and explore new ideas, we can find hope amid chaos. By embracing change, we can open ourselves up to new opportunities that might not have been available before.

7. Consider all possible outcomes

It’s natural to feel uncertain during times of upheaval and change. However, it’s important to remember that there are always other possible outcomes than worst-case scenarios. Focusing on the positive aspects of each situation can help us weather any storm.

When we’re faced with uncertainty, it’s easy to get bogged down in worry and doubt. But, by considering all of the possible outcomes, we can begin to see a way forward that may involve a different approach than we first imagined. Even if things don’t go as planned, knowing that we’ve explored all our possible futures gives us a sense of control by reducing our perceived level of uncertainty.

8. Find solace in your faith

Reading sacred texts from your faith tradition can remind you that you are not alone and that a higher power is looking out for you. 

If you’re feeling lost or discouraged, reading the psalms can be particularly helpful as they were written from the perspective of a people who lived through centuries of uncertainty, occupation, and exile. 

Prayer, too, can help you connect with God and find strength during challenging times. 

9. Lean on sources of support

In uncertain times, it’s important to have a support system of friends and family. They can provide a listening ear, emotional support, and practical help. 

Friends and family can also offer a sense of connection to the outside world when everything feels uncertain. These relationships can be a source of strength during difficult times. 

Also, in times of local, national, or global crisis, you will often find that others are more than willing to lend a hand, not just to people they know, but to strangers as well.

10. Engage in mindfulness practices

When the world feels uncertain, it can be helpful to take some time for mindfulness practices. These can help us to connect with the present moment and find some peace. There are many different ways to practice mindfulness, but some simple ones include meditation and silence.

In meditation, we sit quietly and focus on our breath. This helps us to clear our minds and focus on the here and now. Silence is another great way to connect with the present moment. We can simply sit in silence and listen to the sounds around us, or we can practice mindful walking by paying attention to each step we take.

These practices can help us to find peace during difficult times. They remind us that even though things may be uncertain, we still have this moment to enjoy. When we connect with the present, we can experience improved emotional states and find strength for whatever lies ahead.

11. Keep doing the things you love

We can find comfort and joy in the things we love, even if the world feels like it’s spinning out of control.

There’s something about doing the things we love that helps us feel grounded and connected. It gives us a sense of purpose and joy in the midst of uncertainty. 

By continuing to do the things you love, you take control of the present, which helps you face an uncertain future with greater hope.

12. Help others 

It is easy to focus on one’s own concerns and needs when times are uncertain. 

However, even when you find yourself in great need, there’s almost always someone else in greater need who could use your help.

Helping another person will give them a much-needed boost— and will also give you a mental break from your own problems. 

And if you ever feel like your efforts to help others don’t make a difference in the grand scheme of things, remember the story of the boy and the starfish. When challenged by a man about why he was trying to save hundreds of starfish stranded along the seashore, he threw another one into the water and said, “I just made a difference for that one.”

Similarly, we can make a difference for our fellow human beings by lending a helping hand.

13. Maintain a positive outlook

When life gets tough, it can be difficult to maintain a positive outlook. However, thinking positive thoughts is important, especially in times of uncertainty. Positive thoughts help you stay focused, motivated and improve your mental state.

It’s not always easy to think positive thoughts when you’re feeling down or stressed out. But by taking a few minutes each day to focus on the good things in your life, you can train your brain to look for the silver lining in every situation.

When you’re feeling uncertain about the future, it’s helpful to focus on your dreams and goals. Remind yourself that anything is possible if you put your mind to it. And don’t forget to enjoy the moment – even when things are tough, there’s always something to be grateful for.

The future is full of possibilities

To survive this new normal of uncertainty, we must embrace change, be willing to step outside our comfort zone, and not let fear hold us back from living our lives.

The future may be uncertain, but it is also full of possibilities. And we can create a better tomorrow if we work together today.

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  • Thank you, Cylon.
    How very thoughtful to step forward with helpful advice in our hour of need.
    Sincerely hope you and yours are weathering life’s not always pleasant surprises. In the meantime, thank you.

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