April 9

Spiritual Resources for Dealing With Coronavirus


“Should you shield the canyons from the windstorms you would never see the true beauty of their carvings.”

Elisabeth Kübler-Ross

We are currently facing an unprecedented global challenge.

The coronavirus has taken many lives, sickened many others, and disrupted our way of life in ways that are hard to comprehend.

As the weeks continue to unfold, the toll is starting to sink in as the novelty of the experience wears off. 

Our hearts are heavy for those who’ve had to endure suffering and death alone. We ache for their families who grieve. We’re concerned for the people fighting on the front lines.

We’re also worried about our health and the health of our families. We’re worried about our finances. And we’re experiencing real grief over the loss of normalcy.

We yearn for life to go back to what it was before coronavirus. But there’s been a gradual sense that we won’t be going back to business as usual for a while.

You might feel beaten down, worried, hopeless. This post is for you from my heart. It includes resources to help you through this difficult time.

It includes past posts that speak to the moment in some way, books, podcasts, poems, and prayers. This is not a meticulously researched article. It’s just stuff I’ve found, received from others, or stumbled upon as I grapple with the reality of the moment. 

I hope you find something here that gives you strength and helps you to keep going even if you feel like giving in.

Blog posts

Over the years, I’ve written some blog posts on how to deal with challenging times. Here are a few I’m referring back to for support and perspective:

How to Release Negative Energy Before it Overwhelms You – This post walks you through some concrete steps you can take to help deal with negative emotions.

How to Feel More Connected to Others – Though we’re unable to experience the physical connection that this post promotes, we can still capture the spirit of connectedness from afar. It’s amazing how we’re doing this through the very technology we bemoaned just a few weeks ago (Like I did in this post).

How to Handle the Hard Questions – I kinda attack technology here too. But it mostly deals with learning how to sit with difficult questions around pain and suffering instead of trying to resolve them with easy answers.

25 Ways to Grow Your Resilience – In times of struggle, you may not feel like you have what it takes to bounce back. This post will prove you wrong 🙂

A Prayer in Times of Change – Sometimes when we’re struggling, the best thing we can do is pray.


To Bless the Space Between Us: A Book of Blessings

This book is filled with exquisite prayers for many occasions. This prayer has been speaking powerfully to me in these times:

A Blessing For One Who Is Exhausted by John O’Donohue

The Bible

In particular, the YouVersion Bible app. 

This is hands down the best experience you can have with the Bible digitally. There are many ways to engage scriptures, including reading plans to help us during this dark time.

Many people have turned to the psalms as a source of comfort and hope. Here’s one that’s been helpful to me.


On Being 

In a world of empty soundbites and tribal arguments, Krista Tippet, host of the On Being podcast, offers a haven for deep and thoughtful conversations designed to connect us rather than divide us. 

They have put together a resource called A Care Package for Uncertain Times.

As the pandemic began breaking, two recent episodes in particular helped me stay grounded and hopeful: How We’re Wired for Goodness and All Reality is Interaction.

UnLocking Us

Ever since her groundbreaking Ted Talk, Brené Brown’s courage to attack difficult subjects such as shame and vulnerability, and her willingness to be vulnerable herself,  have made her one of the most authoritative voices in the world today.

Her new podcast seemed prescient with the first episodes launching as the entire world was being plunged into global panic and anxiety.

In particular, her episode with David Kessler, expert on grief, helps us understand the grief process as it pertains to the loss of all we knew before coronavirus.

Focus on the Family

As our jobs disappear and our retirement savings shrink, many of us are afraid we won’t have enough to sustain us tomorrow (or today for that matter).

This episode from the Focus on the Family broadcast helped me put my financial fears in perspective. This talk was given in the 2008 crisis but it certainly applies today.

The talk also reminded me of a post I wrote a few years ago.

Tara Brach

Tara Brach is a popular meditation teacher who’s talks help to bring calm to my day. Her most recent talks are designed to help us meet this moment through the power of mindfulness. This one was particularly helpful.

SuperSoul Sunday

In this episode, Oprah talks to renowned spiritual teacher, Fr. Richard Rohr, about the true self v.s. false self.



I use the rain sound tracks to help me fall asleep when I’m struggling to settle down at night.

There are many more resources in the app including meditations to help with coronavirus fears.

7 Minute Workout App

Just because you can’t go to the gym doesn’t mean you can’t get a workout in.


Jitsi.org is a free alternative to the popular Zoom platform. I’ve used it to have a virtual game night with family. There are other free alternatives out there too.


Some Good News

This YouTube show by John Krasinski was brought to my attention by my wife. We could all use some good news in these times. And it’s funny, too.

Brian Scavullo

My friend Brian sent me a video of himself performing Balcony Concerts in Spain. His music is beautiful and inspiring. This one was a tribute to Bill Withers.

You will get through this

If you’re feeling hopeless, scared, and depressed, know that you’re not alone.

Know that you don’t have to be defined by your fears. You are stronger than you think. We’re even stronger together. And together, we will get through this.

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