July 7

What is Spirituality?


As a college chaplain I often get asked some version of this question:

“What is spirituality?”

In many of these conversations, I would inevitably hear the phrase “I’m spiritual but not religious.” This mantra is often chanted in opposition to rigid, judgmental, and hypocritical religious practices. But what if spirituality was more than simply a reaction against bad religion? What if it was more than a private practice?

What if it is a place? A non-physical, unseen world, where conventional laws are suspended. A place where conventional wisdom is turned on its head and where seemingly senseless, illogical, or contradictory principles exist. A world of paradox.

Spirituality means understanding that things aren’t always what they seem. It means being attentive to the underlying invisible forces that drive our visible actions. It means recognizing that we are simultaneously capable of good and evil. It allows us to find goodness and meaning in the face of senseless tragedy and victory in the midst of defeat.

Spirituality means recognizing the poverty of riches and the riches of poverty. In this world, the weak are powerful and the powerful are weak. In this place, God is totally beyond us and yet closer than our closest friends. In this place, both the lovable and unlovable are loved.

What is spirituality?

It is us. It is the reality of who we are.

You are spiritual, without qualification.

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  • Thanks for this reassurance, Cylon.
    Sometimes the most obvious things – those which are in front of us – are the most difficult to see!

    • That pretty much sums it up. Whenever I think something is obvious or cliché, that’s when I try to pay attention – they are often truths hiding in plain sight!

  • This is a good explanation of the question. I believe Dorothy Day/Peter Maurin said this as well(poverty of the rich…etc) But I won’t abandon Jesus. I believe in the maker of the “universe”. I believe in the lesson of the 3ply cord being stronger than one alone. But I wont dog the spiritual but not religious people. God sows his seeds where he will.

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