January 27

The Minimalist Guide to Mastering Your Life


“The best of life exists beyond the things we are taught to crave.”

Matt Haig

Have you been feeling stuck lately?

Maybe you feel jaded by life and the fact that today looked the same as it did ten years ago.

Or maybe you managed to accomplish all your goals last year but don’t feel nearly as accomplished as you imagined. You made more friends, earned more money, read more books, and took more vacations, but you feel more deprived than ever.

You find yourself craving more.

You ask yourself, “What more do I need to do to feel happy with my life?”

And that’s where the problem lies. We often assume that to live the good life, we need more. But what if what you really need is less?

Mastering life’s basics in a chaotic world

Contemporary life requires us to do, accomplish, and achieve more to feel like we matter. But this unwritten rule also causes us to feel like our lives are in constant turmoil and chaos. We’ve lost sight of this basic truth in our relentless pursuit for more:

Less is more.

So before you start working on ten more useless goals that won’t make you happy, let’s try going back to basics. Let’s try a minimalist approach instead, starting with these four principles:

  • Reduce: reduce input, items and tasks by eliminating anything that doesn’t serve a necessary purpose for your current goals/life. This allows for less noise and greater clarity of thought.
  • Analyze: examine every aspect of your life to understand why it is the way it is. Are you here by choice or not? Do you want change or want things to stay the same?
  • Simplify: when you analyze what’s causing chaos, simplify so you can better determine your next steps. Eliminate any unnecessary information and keep only the most important data for easy future reference.
  • Act: simply knowing is not enough; taking action will give rise to desired results, as it continuously provides feedback via practical application, which strengthens your understanding of yourself and the world around you.

Defining Minimalism

So what exactly is minimalism?

Minimalism is a lifestyle choice that focuses on reducing the amount of material possessions you own and typically emphasizes simple living. It is about choosing to focus on the things that are essential and meaningful rather than accumulating superfluous outward possessions. It also pertains to one’s beliefs, values, commitments, and intentions.

At its core, minimalism is about having less to help create more – more joy, more peace, and more meaning in your life. Minimalists often aspire to practice less consumption to focus instead on investing energy into relationships, experiences, or personal development.

The minimalist mindset is focused on recognizing what is essential in life versus what can be eliminated. This self-awareness builds over time with intentionality by looking inward before looking at external influences such as media or trends when making decisions about possessions or other commitments of your time.

Setting boundaries for ourselves helps us become intentional with our decisions related to money, materials, time spent with others, habits, etc.

The Benefits of Minimalism

When considering a minimalist lifestyle, it’s important to recognize the various benefits it can bring to your health and well-being.

For starters, minimalism helps you focus on your priorities and values. With fewer distractions like clutter and excess possessions, you can make more informed decisions quickly and easily. This simplifies decision-making since it forces a greater clarity of thought which can help boost productivity and satisfaction with life.

Furthermore, eliminating needless tasks from your daily schedule makes it easier for our minds to switch off from many of the unnecessary stresses that come from living a frantic life. With intentional thinking, we can create balance in our personal lives by being creative, exploring hobbies, or simply relaxing mindfully for a little while each day.

Practical Minimalism Strategies

Practical minimalism strategies are the cornerstones of a simpler, more balanced life. It’s the idea that by optimizing your space, managing tasks better and cutting out clutter, you can become more productive, focused and relaxed. Here’s how to get started:

  • Minimize Your Space – Start by decluttering your physical space. Get rid of anything that no longer serves a purpose. Focus on freeing up desk spaces, drawers, and shelves so you can quickly access what you need. Once you have minimalized your physical environment, develop minimalist strategies for other areas too, such as managing finances and navigating relationships.
  • Set Priorities – Ask yourself what matters most to you right now and map out a plan for meeting those goals. Consider where it makes sense to invest time or resources to reach your goals most efficiently without taking away from something else important.
  • Be Flexible – Building a balanced life takes flexibility and resilience in order to manage adjustments along the way. Find ways to remain adaptable so that when obstacles arise or changes occur outside of your control, you can stay focused on moving forward with grace and minimal disruption.
  • Appreciate Moments – Finding moments throughout each day for appreciation or contemplation can help reconnect us with our internal compass and reduce stress levels during especially demanding times. Whether it’s reading inspirational quotes or watching breathtaking sunsets, these moments help bring back into perspective what matters deeply in life.

Letting Go of Attachments

Mindful living requires us to continually let go and remove the distractions, attachments to material possessions, and unnecessary obligations that weigh us down and take away from our experience of a more meaningful life.

Many of us think that if we can accumulate more possessions or things – houses, cars, or jewelry – then surely we will be much happier. Paradoxically, most of us know from experience that possessing more objects doesn’t necessarily bring happiness.

When considering your attachment to things in life ask yourself: “Will this bring me true joy? Will I really use this? Can I keep it simple?” Practicing mindful minimalism brings us back into alignment with what is truly important in life – simplicity over complexity and quality over quantity. Putting forth the intentions for the things we choose allow for an alignment between intentionality and experience – ultimately setting up a sound foundation for realizing our highest self.

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  • Thanks for this timely reminder, Cylon.
    I am mildly ashamed to admit that I live amongst clutter! Yes, I also have a somewhat cluttered mind! However, I am slowly addressing my problems – hopefully going in the right direction.
    Thank you for the kindness of your advice – wishing you and yours a fulfilling New Year.

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