July 4

14 Warning Signs That Unforgiveness Is Eating You Alive (And What to Do About It)


“Forgiveness is not an occasional act, it is a constant attitude.” ~ Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

You think you’re over it.

You pretend everything is ok.

But something isn’t quite right.

You have trouble sleeping. You can’t stop thinking about what happened. You can’t seem to move on.

We have a hard time forgiving people, some more than others. The reason is because many of us have faulty notions of what forgiveness is in the first place – like receiving an apology or being reconciled with the person.

We may not want to admit it, but sometimes when we’re looking to offer forgiveness, we want it to be because somebody else conceded first. But what you’re waiting for may never happen, especially when dealing with toxic people.

How can you know whether unforgiveness is eating you alive? Here are some warning signs and some ways you can reverse course:

1. You’re experiencing bursts of anger

If you’re struggling with unforgiveness, you’re likely bottling up your anger. Oftentimes, the person who is the recipient of the inevitable outburst is not the person who caused the stress or pain.

What to do instead: Be mindful when you start to feel anger building. Be aware of the source. If you catch yourself in the middle of an outburst, it’s never too late to do an about face. Apologize to the victim of your outburst. Take a deep breath. If you can, spend a few moments alone.

2. You’re petty and impulsive

When interacting with the person who you struggle to forgive, do you make snide remarks? Do you send them passive aggressive texts? Do you engage in mudslinging? And yet you’re still powerless because you have not forgiven them.

What to do instead: Pause before engaging with the person. Sometimes a moment is all you need to let your conscience kick in. Is your contemplated interaction going to improve things, or just take the edge off of your hurt for a moment before the regret comes?

How forgiving are you? Take the forgiveness quiz to see where you stand.

3. You’re desperate to make them understand how you feel

Does your inner monologue sound like this?

“If the person who caused me pain could only see what they’d done, they would want to say they were sorry.”

What to do instead: It’s hard to swallow, but the person may never recognize what they’ve done. Acceptance and letting go are key aspects of forgiveness. A time-tested way to do this is to write them a letter that you do not intend to send. Do this with the ultimate intention of destroying it and letting go of its contents.

4. You’re compulsive

You can’t control the hurtful person, but you can control your environment. This can quickly become a negative spiral of compulsive activity. Maybe for you this means keeping your spaces spotless, checking social media repeatedly, or making unnecessary purchases. Maybe it involves comfort eating.

These behaviors give you the impression of being in control, but they will not change the result of your interactions with the person. These activities only distract you from getting to the heart of the problem.

What to do instead: In the midst of compulsive behavior, there is often a moment when you realize what is happening. Choose to pull away. What is important to you? Is it being reflected in the way you spend your time? Is what you’re doing helping you to heal?

5. You’re unable to reframe your experiences

When you allow another person to color your memories, the sight of a formerly favorite tchotchke or the smell of a once loved eatery will only bring you angst. The pleasant associations you once had are gone.

What to do instead: Acknowledge the part this association played in your life but don’t allow it to control you going forward. This may mean donating the offending item or hiding it away for a time. It may mean creating new, happy memories with a cherished friend in a place where you once found yourself overwhelmed with negativity.

6. You’re not taking responsibility for your feelings

Find yourself blaming the person you cannot forgive for your feelings? Maybe you’re blaming the weather, or even random events.

Understand that when you choose to withhold forgiveness, what you’re saying to the offender is:

“I hold you responsible not just for what you did to me, but how I reacted and responded to what you did. I hold you responsible for my unhappiness.”

What to do instead: You may be slow to acknowledge it, but this is often the hidden script operating in your heart and soul. But it’s a lie, plain and simple. Only you are responsible for your reactions and feelings. By giving that responsibility away to your offender, you’re allowing them to have power over you that’s not theirs to have.

Unearth the script by saying it to yourself out loud. Write it down. You’ll almost immediately recognize and acknowledge the lie in your script. Choose to take back what is rightfully yours—your own reactions and feelings, no matter how unpleasant. This will be key to freeing you from your self-imposed prison.

7. You’re sick

That’s right. Withholding forgiveness may actually be making you sick.

If you’re struggling with stress related illness such as anxiety, depression, or high blood pressure, it may be time to try some forgiveness therapy.

What to do instead: Letting go of bitterness has been said to not only improve the above conditions, but also improve your immune system, heart, and overall mental health.

If you’re holding on to unforgiveness for dear life, consider the sobering idea that holding on might actually be slowly taking your life.

8. You’re keeping a list of offenses

It’s not like you’re keeping an actual physical list of all the times you were slighted or offended…..right?

Most likely it’s a mental list. Each time your offender looks at you the wrong way, or says something offensive, or just ignores you, you catalog the action as part of a long list of offenses you use to justify keeping them trapped in your dungeon.

But as you saw above, you may think they’re the ones in your dungeon but if you look more closely, you’ll see that you’re the one inside the prison bars, not outside.

What to do instead: If your list is so long that you’ve forgotten the original offense that started you down this dark path, it’s probably time to ditch the list. If you already have a written list, you’re already halfway there. Just put it in the shredder. If it’s in your head, do go ahead and write it down then destroy it.

9. You hate yourself

I know, this maybe a bit strong. But it’s probably not far from the truth.

If you’re stuck in unforgiveness, you are probably experiencing a toxic brew of guilt, shame, self-judgment, and self-sabotage.

You may not even realize that you’re being so hard on yourself because you decided to withhold forgiveness.

What to do instead: Know that it doesn’t have to be this way. The way out of this awful trap is to simply love yourself just as you are right now. Put your a hand on your heart and with reverence and compassion, say to yourself:

“Though I am struggling to let go of this hurt, I fully love and accept myself just as I am.”

This radical self-acceptance will begin the healing journey of learning to let go hurts that may have been lodged in your soul for many years.

10. You replay the scene over and over…and over

If you find yourself lying awake in bed at 2 a.m. replaying events that happened weeks, months, or years ago, this one may resonate with you. And you know that with each replay, your feelings of stuckness and resentment grows.

Sometimes, you find yourself fixating so much on the past that you’ve allowed it to define everything you do. For instance, if your heart was broken in a past relationship, you may have consciously decided to let people in only so far, even someone you may have grown to love deeply.

What to do instead: To address this problem try meditation (give yourself 10-20 minutes):

  • Begin noticing your breath and allow yourself to relax for a few minutes.
  • Notice all the feelings that are arising within you as you relax, welcoming both pleasant and unpleasant sensations.
  • Once you’ve reached a state of deeper relaxation, bring to mind the scene you have been replaying over and over.
  • As you replay the scene, imagine an ending you would have preferred. For instance, if you regret reacting in anger to an offensive remark, imagine yourself responding to the person and yourself with compassion.
  • Imagine yourself in a future encounter with the person or another person. Imagine yourself responding to similar situation with greater compassion.
  • Rest in these images before slowly bringing yourself out of meditation by gently bringing your awareness back to your body in this space and time.

Resolve to begin practicing this in your everyday life. Choose to be responsive rather than reactive going forward.

11. You gossip about them

It’s natural to want to return the hurt to those who have hurt us.

One of the primary ways we do this is through gossip. We may divulge their secrets or spread untruths about them behind their backs.

If you intend to cause harm with the tongue, you’d be wise to heed the proverb:

“Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruits” (Prov 18:21).

When you gossip, you’re not only doing further harm to your broken relationship (it’s funny how much you say behind a person’s back can get back to them), but you also endanger your relationships with the very people you gossip with.

While your gossiping may start off as a bonding experience, sooner or later people will learn that you cannot be trusted to hold their confidence. Soon enough, you’ll have fewer people who whom you can gossip and even fewer real friends.

What to do instead: When tempted to say something unkind about your offender, say something you genuinely admire about them. If there is nothing you admire, refrain from speaking.

How forgiving are you? Take the forgiveness quiz to see where you stand.

12. You’re righteous and entitled

Even if your situation is one where there was genuinely no wrong on your part, using this as a reason for not letting go will not sanctify your righteousness. You will only grow more bitter with each passing day.

What to do instead: Challenge your own sense of entitlement. Ask yourself hard questions like, “How may have I contributed to this impasse?” or “How have I caused harm to this person?” Regardless of whether or not you can answer the questions, they will open up a space of compassion for yourself and them from which you can begin to find relief from unforgiveness.

Always remember, others have been wronged by your actions and will struggle to forgive you as well. Keeping this perspective will keep you humble.

13. You exercise poor judgment

If someone’s hurt you in a significant way, you may engage in unhealthy or risky behavior as a form of self-medication. Think of the cheated lover who engages in a string of unhealthy relationships or the humiliated person who goes on a spending spree.

What’s worse is that we justify our actions with a false sense of self-care. While self-care is a hugely important part of letting go of unforgiveness, actions that provide short-term relief but long-term harm are not acts of self-care.

What to do instead: Identify things you can do to engage in proper self-care. Create a list that you can use every time someone harms you in a way that might be difficult to forgive. On this list could be things like, prayer, exercise, meditation, healthy eating, breathing exercises, sleeping, etc.

14. You refuse to confide in others

We live in a culture that believes that reaching out for help is a sign of weakness. In fact, you may be withholding forgiveness because you believe it might cause you to appear weak in the eyes of others.

But if you’re reeling from hurt, it may be helpful to share your feelings with a trusted friend—in a non-gossipy way of course. The difference here is that when you gossip, you focus on the actions of the offender instead of focusing on your own feelings and owning them.

Just sharing your feelings can provide relief and perspective. It may free you from the stuck feeling and promote creative thinking to help you move on from the hurt and resentment.

What to do instead: Identify two or three people you could confide in and reach out to one of them today. Don’t think about, don’t second-guess the people you thought of. Just reach out.

Don’t let unforgiveness destroy you

Are you ready to let go of past hurts so you can move on with your life?

Then it’s time to begin letting go of unforgiveness.

Know that learning to forgive is a lifelong process. Just like love, forgiveness is a decision we make each day.

Yes, it’s hard, but don’t be discouraged.

Your fresh start can begin today.

General FAQ

What is forgiveness and why is it important?

Forgiveness is a constant attitude of letting go of resentment, anger, or bitterness towards someone who has wronged us. It is important because holding onto unforgiveness can lead to negative physical and mental health consequences, and can also prevent personal growth and the ability to move forward in life.

How do I know if I am struggling with unforgiveness?

If you are struggling with unforgiveness, you may experience bursts of anger, become petty and impulsive, feel the need to make the person understand your pain, engage in compulsive behavior, be unable to reframe your experiences, and blame others for your feelings. You may also experience physical symptoms, such as difficulty sleeping or trouble with physical health.

What should I do if I am struggling with unforgiveness?

If you are struggling with unforgiveness, it is important to be mindful of your reactions and feelings. You can try pausing before engaging with the person, writing a letter that you do not intend to send, focusing on self-reflection and taking responsibility for your feelings, and creating new positive experiences. It may also be helpful to seek professional help, such as therapy, to work through the process of forgiveness.

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  • Thank you very much, Cylon – particularly for reminding us that forgiveness has to be practised every day – very much like grieving I think. Kindest

  • Thanks for sharing your wisdom! I like that you point out some “not so obvious” signs of unforgiveness. Should be a real wake-up call for some (including me!) who may not even realize there’s still some more to forgive!

    • That is true. Though we cannot control what other people do, we can choose to forgive ourselves for the hurt we cause others. It’s hard to not feel forgiven, but if attempts to seek forgiveness have been rejected, extending compassion to yourself can be healing. I hope this helps.

  • there are so many people who have gone out of their way to ruin my life. It’s too much. I’m full of so much hate. it’s especially painful because some of them have ruined my life because I voted or supported the wrong person. Everything is lost and I am only left with a hateful need for revenge. I’m too much a coward to fight back and don’t want to become them. But they have destroyed everything.. I can’t let this go and I have lost my mind. I don’t have to say what I’m talking about. you already know who and what I am talking about. They will send someone to smash my face in and we will all know why

    • My heart goes out to you and the pain you’ve experienced in your life. Even though others have hurt you significantly, you can choose to not be hateful or seek revenge. As you said, you “don’t want to become them.” Perhaps professional counseling could help you through this difficult time. Though it may feel impossible now, I believe that you will be able to move through the pain and find peace. I pray that love will reign in your heart and overcome the hate. And I pray that no physical harm comes to you or those who have hurt you.

    • What ever happen to Richard what you mentioned in this article it’s happening to me I am broken and in pain.I am trying to forgive them but they keep on Hurting me.oh God see me please.

  • This was a good article. I have done all of the things on the list and some I did not associate with unforgiveness. I’ve been struggling with unforgiveness towards someone I had feelings for. It definitely led to feelings of self-hate as I felt I was not good enough. He is married and I am still single. So I am also struggling with feelings of resentment and embarrassment about singleness.

    • You are more than good enough and worthy of love. Say this to yourself every day, even if you don’t believe it. It’s good that you have already taken steps to help yourself. Continue on this path because it’s a journey. May you find peace and healing.

  • Hello, My question is do forgiving mean you have to stay. I believe I can forgive. And I want to. But staying in this relationship bring constant hurt. As soon as I forgive and try to move on something else is done to hurt me. And I have repeated the cycle so many times. I feel foolish because I keep falling for the same game over and over. And I take responsibility for my actions and understand I can’t let someone push me to react and a negative way, but when I try to step back to a clam place they even invade that. So I feel that my only option is to forgive but remove myself from this toxic relationship.

    • Hi Tywanda, you bring up a very important point that’s not directly addressed in the post. Let me be clear – forgiveness not not mean having to stay in a toxic relationship. Forgiveness is about letting go of the hurt feelings, resentment, or bitterness associated with what was done to you. Sometimes reconciliation is possible but sometimes it is not. It sounds like in your case the time has come to remove yourself from the toxic relationship. Once this step is taken, the key work is then dealing with feelings of guilt and shame about leaving in addition to persistent anger against the person. Letting go all these feelings is the hard but fruitful work of forgiveness. Thanks for having the courage to share and I hope this helps.

  • there is an exception to this rule, if it is a crime, justice needs to be served. Otherwise, the victim will be self-destructive or suicidal. To let offenders continue to victimize other people by being quiet or being silenced, is like allowing them to continue to prey on other innocent people.

    • Thank you for sharing this concern. As I stated in my reply to the last commenter below, forgiveness has nothing to do with allowing oneself to be victimized. It’s about, over time, letting go of the hurt caused by being victimized. It is very possible for someone to experience the effects of unforgiveness even if the criminal that is spending life in prison for crimes committed against them. So forgiveness and justice are quite independent of each other. Forgiveness is about freeing yourself, not excusing criminal behavior. I hope this helps…

  • This article is something that HAS to be published in pastoral journals EVERYWHERE! It is very practical and give us ALL something to be watchful of, especially in our daily walk with the Lord! Thanks so very much Pastor George for writing this freeing material!

  • Pastor, this was an excellent post! Thank you for sharing some wonderful insights about unforgiveness and practical applications to our lives, well done. There is another aspect of unforgiveness that is even more damaging and that is to our eternal soul. We are eternal beings, God set eternity in the heart of man. Unforgiveness is a scheme of the enemy to keep our eyes on ourselves, thus missing out on that personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Investing time in that relationship can help with each of the 14 symptoms of unforgiveness. Thank you.

    • Thank you for your comment Thomas. I agree that unforgiveness deprives us from a relationship with Jesus Christ. I think though that we Christians (and I’m speaking mostly from personal experience) tend to focus on our direct and “personal” relationship with Jesus and not our relationship with persons created in the image and likeness of Christ. I think Jesus constantly challenges us in scripture (eg Matt 5:23) to love and forgive each other as a way of encountering Christ himself. So important this is that Jesus says that we are to “leave your gift there at the altar and go first to be reconciled with your brother.” So when we invest time in our relationships on earth, we are investing time with Jesus Christ. I find that when I go directly to Jesus with my offering but don’t treat my brothers and sisters well, it is then when my eternal soul is in most danger.

  • Thank you for this article. I find it very clear and informative. I am guilty of having wronged someone close to my heart and I can’t seem to receive the forgiveness I am praying for. I am also hurt by degrading words, Discrediting me as a person. I don’t know if I’ll just let it go and move on and not care if I will be forgiven or not. But I always pray for healing my relationships.

    • I think you are doing the absolute best you can in this situation, and that’s all you can do. You can’t change the past and you can’t make someone receive your offering of reconciliation. But you can find peace in knowing you did everything you could, including prayer, to bring healing to broken relationships. May God bless you for your efforts.

  • Remembering that once a hurt is experienced, it becomes a memory.
    Forgiveness cuts the emotional attachment to the memory and the pain.
    Memory health is vital to loving and growing relationships. The memory is there but the pain and hurt diminishes in its power.Each time the memory surfaces, declare I forgive …… as i have been forgiven. Even if the relationship has ended, forgiveness releases the other person’s mind control in your mind.It is a process, but the reward is “memory with no pain” and you can be a giver of love and forgiveness. A personal life experience.

    • Wow, you explained that very well. I have been holding on to past hurt of people continually lying on me, and when they were confronted, they still decided to lie, it angers me so much that someone would intentionally cause so much trouble all based off of lies, and cause they don’t like me. I have no problem with someone not liking me, but to lie on my character was to much. I will definitely start the process of forgiveness, but will never ever consider associating with those people ever again. Unfortunately it’s my husband’s Mother, and Sister, but oh well.

  • Surely they tried to destroy my life Im Scorpio and I’ll bet the last sweat on my faces through the tears and blood in my veins they surely will be the loser I press my last dime in again I rise in the winner try me 🏆

  • Pastor George, thank you for this wonderful publish. It has really helped me to understand clearly what forgiveness is all about.

  • I am struggling with forgiveness that why I am on this site I have not completely read this as far as I have read it me it truth. I get up to pray about unforgiveness and here I am really need to go into depth into this. so thanks for posting this article.

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